...Music-driven balljumper with 100+ gamelevels and 40+ enemies. Takes use of gyroscope, with levelling and ability system.
Music-driven balljumper with 100+ gamelevels and 40+ enemies. Takes use of gyroscope, with levelling and ability system.
Reflects-game with different tasks. Contains multiplayer modes and online rank system.
Application developed for party-situation. Features various drinking-games with randomization and customizations.
Full-stack developement. Frontend (HTML, javascript, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterEffects) & backend (MySQL, PHP with full security and encryption)
I have spent hundreds of hours learning and developing in Unreal Engine. I am currently working on one main VR game project and multiple side projects.
Below is a list of selected functions (many of them are in early stages and may not be visually representative)
A prototype demonstrating possible VR capabilities within factory work training.
Project website upcoming.
Multiplayer building system for building ex. walls, floors and interactive objects like doors and lights. Various server side validations included.
Multiplayer harvesting system. Cutting down trees, picking rocks, harvesting bushes ex.
Server-sided rope algorithm to always have ropes stretching from the farthest corners to a carrying balloon. Adjusts depending on blocked traces.
Multiplayer wind, shoot and loot system. Balloons and platforms moving depending on wind. Shoot down balloons and pull in the prizes.
Unique stats system with health, hunger and energy (based on other traits). Affected by various tasks and affecting things such as running, harvesting ect.
NPC behaviors: Walking, idling, lured by red light (the player throws different colors of light tubes), searching for-, chasing-, attacking- & inspecting- player. With a fear system and dynamic luminescent material.
A solo research project at my university, investigating humanistic behavior and benefits of different light colors in different scenarios. Subjects would walk around and collect items in three different levels, with randomly distributed colors of light (red, green and blue). Technical data was collected and questionnaires was presented after each level and stored in a database.
Playable demo of my Bachelor project - a childrens game.
Created in Java with quick illustrations and animations.
Feel free to contact me if any of these projects are of your interrest
or if you are interrested in non-finished game projects.
Likewise if you are in search of aid for your project or company.