Monthly Paperback Prize

Unfortunately, Monthly Prizes has been put on a hold due to the lack of books.
We hope to restart the feature again in the future.
Thanks for your understanding.

★ No Book ★


Mill Woods is the author of Two Lives, One Adventure and Orb of Wonders.
Educated in Production Design, Mill Woods previously had a career in visualizing storytelling, creating story-worlds both for the game and movie industry. He found his way to the world of writing novels while traveling Europe dry, exploring and climbing the peaks of Earth.
Life is about inspiring and having fun.

Book Choice

Two Lives, One Adventure

Two Lives, One Adventure is a romantic adventure story about love, freedom and plausible mysterious magic. A joyful novel that will stay with you forever.
See on Amazon

Book Choice

Orb of Wonders

Orb of Wonders is an emotional thriller, filled with mystery and eye-opening philosophy. Follow Christian on his journey through time, encountering wondrous creatures and hidden secrets destroying the world as we speak.
See on Amazon

How does it work?

1. Enroll to get Tickets

When enrolling, you will get tickets based on the amount of Spirit Points you have gained from reviewing. Spirit Points will not be lost and you can use the same Points each month. It's necessary to enroll each month to ensure that winners are actively wishing for the prize.

2. Cross your fingers

When enrolled, simply wait until the end of the month to hear if you won. If you gain additional Spirit Points while enrolled, you will automaticly get the extra tickets.

3. You won! Now what?

If you win, you will be contacted on your registered e-mail. We ask for which book you wish (in case of book choices), a name and an address to deliver the paperback, which we will give to the donating author. The author will then make an order on Amazon, sending the paperback either directly home to you or to your nearest pick up point (if available in your region). After that, simlpy enjoy your new book.

Rules and Terms

○Available only for addresses in Europe, USA and Canada.
○The prizes are donated by kind authors, who will deliver the book directly to the winner.
○1 Ticket is given for each 10 Spirit Points. 10 Spirit Points is needed to enroll.
○The prize can not be exchanged for money.
○Participating is free and without further requirements.
○The winner is randomly chosen at the end of each month, based on ticket numbers.
○To receive the prize, the winner must provide a name and address which will be given to the sending author.
○In case of no contact from the winner, a new winner will be picked.
○The prize will ship directly from Amazon.
○In the unlikely case the author doesn't ship the book, a gift of $10 will be given through Paypal instead.